Saturday 6 February 2016

Hanumantha sees Seetha

While looking for Seetha,Hanumantha could see her at one place.raakshasa women surrounded her.Seethadevi was on fasting and so looked weak.She was like soot filled burning ember.Her saree was crumpled.She had no ornaments on her body. her hair looked unattended since long time.She had no glow and she was sad and discouraged.Hse bent her head downwards and was desperate because she was among enemies servants.Hanumantha could confirm that she alone was Seetha by observing few details. He was thinking within himself.When Raavana was taking a woman along with him,she looked similar to the woman he was seeing now.By observing the ornaments tied to the branch of the tree,he could identify that they belonged to Seetha only as per the description given by Raama.the ornaments which she dropped while being dragged to Lanka were alone missing.the upper cloth she was wearing was the same in which,she teared a small bit and dropped the ornaments was the same.By observing all these factors Hanumantha came to the decision that she was Seetha herself.She had kindness,frustration that she was away from Raama,sadness and depression.Raama had kindness that she was undergoing so many hardships.He was guilty that he could not protect her in time.He was sad that his wife was kidnapped.He was missing his loving and lovable wife a lot.Hanumantha felt that they were made for each other couple.Both were beautiful and elegant.They had love and respect for each other and had their beloved in their hearts.That was the soul reason why they are alive even after physically distanced.It is very great that Raama is still alive in spite of being distanced from his loved wife.Hanumantha was saddened seeing the plight of Seetha.If Raamas wife ,herself can escape hardships in the cruel hands of fate who else can escape it. Hanumantha is still thinking of them only.Since Seetha knows how valiant Raama and Lakshmana are,she is confident.She is confident that one day would definitely come and kill their enemy and take her out.Raama killed Vaali just because of Seetha only.Because of her only,Sugreeva could regain his kingdom.Because of her only,he crossed the sea.Even if Raama tilts up the entire universe,it would seem apt only.Compared to acquiring Seetha,gaining ownership of all three lokas is immaterial and negligible. See the effect of fate!Raamaas wife had been trapped among demon women.She left all the riches,enjoyments for the sake of her husband and came to forest to serve him.what hardships she is undergoing?I am unable to control my tears seeing her plight. Seetha devi wasnot observing the demons around her.She is not even observing the trees full of fruits and flowers.There is no doubt that she is thinking of her husband only all the time.The very reason for her seems to be thatshe is hopeful that one day Raama will come and rescue her from the cruel crutches of Raavana. It is the right thing to unite Raama and Seetha.Raama should definitely see her.He is bound to be happy after claimng Seetha again.Seetha is the daughter of Earth.He can be called emperor and ruler of Earth only Seetha is with him.Hanumantha was happy that he could at last find out Seetha.He saluted Raama and hid among the branches of the tree. Hanumantha danced when he saw Mandodari and thought that she might be Seetha. But when he actually found out Seetha ,he was calm and composed.Those who realise the truth would be calm and composed.still it was night only,but shortly sun rays would illuminate the entire universe.There was some noise around.Brahma raakshaas were indulged in chanting Vedaas.Pious and religious musical instruments were tuned and soft music filled the entire arena.

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