Monday, 9 May 2016

Ruksha geetha

Ruksha geetha is the story which Seetha mentioned to Hanumantha.The story goes like this.One day,one archer went to forest.When a tiger tried to attack him,he climbed a tree to save himself.One bear was living on that tree.Tiger called that bear and told it to throw the man from the tree because he was their enemy and he came ti kill them.But,the bear refused to do like that.It replied the tiger.Let him be our enemy.He came to this tree seeking protction on which I live.So,I would not put him to any harm. After some time,Bear slept.Tiger called the archer and told him.Hey archer!throw that bear down to earth.If you do so,I will leave you and would not kill you.Archer was happy that hs life would be saved if he did as to the bidding of tiger.He tried to throw the bear from the tree.But bear did not fall down.Hwne he tried to throw it down,it woke up and latched on to another branch and saved itself. Then,tiger addressed the bear.See!I laready told yoy that this man is our enemy.That fact is proved now.He is a sinner.Though you helped him,he tried to harm you.So,at least now,you hear my words and throw him down.Bear refused to do so even now.It replied the tiger in this fashion.Even if he did try to harm me,I would not harm him.He came to this tree on which I live for protection,it is my bound duty to help him and protect him. It is the nature of good natured people to help those also who try to harm them or really harm them too. Tiger learnt that its words are not having any impact on the. Bear and left that place.Archer slowly got down from the tree and went away alive.

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