Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Raama bent on pleasing Seetha

Sree Raama made Seetha sit in his lap.He was trying to please her.He was saying again and again that he did all this only to please her and for her sake only.He was showng all the important places from the plane to Seetha.Seethaa!are you seeing the city of Lanka?Viswakarma constructed it beautifully on the mountain top of Thrikoota.Look!this is the battle field.Ths is the place where innumerable demons and vaanaraas lost their lives.Are you seeing that point?That is where I killed Raavana.I killed Raavana because of you only.I killed Kumbhakarna at this point.Prahasthudu fell down at this place.Hanumantha killed Dhoomraakshudu at that zone.Look!Lakshmana killed Indrajith at this point.This is the place where Mandodari along with thousand wives of Raavana lamented the loss of Raavana. See!we can see the sea shore.This is the place where webrested after crossing the sea.Look!this is that bridge which Naludu constructed.Constructing bridge of this dimension is not an easy task.But,all this I did for your sake only.Seethaa!see how this sea is roaring.Are you seeing the Mainaaka hill which came out from the sea to enable Hanumantha to take rest for a while.Look here!This is called Sethubandha theerdham.Earlier,Shiva gifted this place.Look there!Vibheeshana came to me for the first time for protection.There!that is Kishkindha.Capital of Sugreevaas kingdom.See here!This is the place where I killed Vaali. Seetha requested Raama to stop their journey for a while.She requested Raama that she wanted to take Thaara,Sugreevaas wife and other women of vaanara warriors along with her to Ayodhya.

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