Friday, 22 April 2016

Makaraakshudu dies in the hands of Sree Raama

Raavana heard the sad news of demise of Kumbhudu and Nikumbhudu.He called for Makaraakahudu,son of Kharudu.He told him to go and kill Raama,Lakshmana and the vaanara army and come back.Makaraakshudu turned around Raavana,saluted and started for the war field.He came across bad omens but he did not mind them.He proceded for the battle field.Charioteers whip fell down.His flag fell down.Horses tied to his chariot slipped and wept.Seeing Makaraakshudu enter the field with h army,vaanaraas also got ready with their weapons.Makaraakshudu rained arrows on them.Demons were fighting with all their might with enthusiasm.Vaanaraas were afraid and running away.Seeing this,demons ran after them.Sree Raama saw this and rained arrows on demons and withheld them effectively. Makaraakshudu addressed Raama.Raamaa!if you are strong fight with me in duel.You killed my father in Dandakaaranya.I would kill you now and appease my hunger.You can choose whatever weapon you want to fight with.I will also fight with you with the same weapon. Raama retaliated in a stinging manner.Makaraakshaa!why are you blabbering useless words.We have to win wars by fighting in the war,not by useless rubbish talk.I killed fourteen thousand demons in Dandakaaranyam.I killed Dooshana,Thrisirudu and Kharudu.I will send you ,too,to yamapuri ie hell.Makaraakshudu got angry with these words and released arrows on Raama.Raama broke those arrows in the middle itself.Both fought a great battle.Deities and sages came in aeroplanes to see their fight.Both were great warriors.They were effectively warding off each others arrows.War field was filled with arrows.Sree Raama broke the bow of Makaraaksha nad killd his charioteer.He killed horses of the chariot too.Makaraakshudu got down from his chariot and attacked with a spear.Sree Raama broke the spear with three arrows.Makaraakshudu came upon Sree Raama with clenched fists.Raama smilingly released Aagneyaasthram and killed Makaraakshudu.Remaining demons ran into the city.Deities and sages were happy to see Makaraaksha die in the hands of Raama.

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