Sunday 3 January 2010

Viswamitra and Menaka

Viswamitra saw Menaka while she was doing Pushkara snanams in theerthas.He was attracted by her beauty and lived with her for ten years.Then he realised his folly and sent her away.Then he went northern side and did thapa there for many years.Then Brahma gave him the award ofMaharshi.Then Viswamitra did thapa standing on one leg and eating nothjin but air.I nsummer he did thapa amidst fire and in winter submersed in water.Then Indra sent Rambha to divert him.But he realised her bad intent  and cursed her to become a stone.So this proved that he did not conquer anger.So he went eastern side and did thapa.Then brahma awarded him with Brahmarshi.He wanted Vasishta to acknowledge his Brahmanathwa.And Vasishta obliged his wish.

1 comment:

  1. Vishwamitra and Menka had a daughter- Shakuntala (described in the Mahabharatham)
    and finally a Brahmarshi!
