Saturday, 2 January 2010

story of thrisanku

So Viswamitra went southwards with his wife and did thapa there.Brahma awarded him  with Rajarshi.Viswamitra was dissatisfied.THrisanku was king of Ikshwaku vamsa.Hedesired to go to heaven with his body.He requested Vasishta to do yaga to fulfil his desire.But vasishta declined  to do so.Then Thrisanku asked Vasishtas sons.They too refused. Then he said taht he would take some others help. for that they got angry and cursed him to become a chandala.So by morning he became dark, thick skinned,rough haired , with iron ornaments and torn dusty clothes chandala.He went to viswamitra and expressed his wish who obliged and did yaga . But no devatah came to recieve yagna phal.Then he sent Thrisanku to heaven with his body.Indra did not allow him as he was cursed by his guru, vasishta.He made him go back to earth head downwards.Then Viswamitra created Saptharhsi mandal in space and detained thrisanku there.He stays there like chandala  and head down wards facing the earth.Is it the heaven he sought?.One should be within ones limit in wishing any thing.

1 comment:

  1. Thrishanku reached the place which modern astro-pysics says,'the place of weightlessness."
