Sunday, 17 January 2010

yagna of sagara

Another story prevailed regarding Ganga .Once upon atime king Sagara ruled Ayodhya.He was arighteous man.He had two wives-Kesini  and Sumathi.Elder wife Kesini was righteous and younger wife Sumathi was beautiful.They did not have children.Along with his wives he went to bhruguprasravanam in Himalayas and did penance.Bhrugu maharshi blessed him with children. he told that one son who can procreate  would be born to kesini and Sumathi would have 60000 children without procreating ability. Both were happy andKesini gave birth to Asamanjudu. Sumathi gave birth to 60000 children who were developed in ghee bowls till they grew up .
Asamanjudu had a very bad habit.He used to dip peoples children in Ssarayu river and enjoying thier plight.people went sagara and explaned the atrocities od Asamanjudu. Sagara shunned asamanjudu from the country.
After some time ,Sagara wanted to do yagna.Asamanjas son wasamsumanthdu.He was very efficient.Plateau between Himalayas and Vindhya mountains was the right place to start the yagna.Amsumantha accompanied Sasgara in conducting Aswamedha yaga.indra came like ademon and stole theyagna aswam.Ruthvijas told Sagara that if yagnaswam was not brought back ,bad would,Sagara sent his 60000 sons in search of the horse.

gangavataranam contd

Devathas were ashamed of their act. Shiva ,along with parvathi went to Himalayas and did penance.As Shiva went for penance, Devathas did not have senapathi.They went to Brahama and pleaded with him to provide them with senapathi.Then Brahma told them that they could not have children due to Parvathis curse. He would make Ganga bear a child withAgni deva. As gangas son would also be Parvathis son, Parvathi would love that child and would not harm him.
Devathas then requestd Agnideva to release shivathejas into Ganga for which she also obliged.Ganga could not bear that Shiva thaejas and told Agnideva .he told her to release the foetus at teh fot of Himalayas if she could not bear it.From the released and silver came into existanc.From its friction, copper and iron came into existance.from its dirt, mercury and metals were formed.kailasam became golden mountain.So gold was also called as jatharupam.Kumaraswamy was born. Kruthikas bathed him and fed him with milk.As he was born from aborted foetus(skannam),he was also called as skandudu.He drank the milk for only one day. Later he became ferocious and defeated Rakshasa infantry.From then he became senapathi of devatha. 


Rama asked Viswamitra about how River Ganges came to be known as Tripadhaga.How can it cover all the three lokas and reach Samudrudu?Viswamitra started explaining him.There was amountain king called Himavanthudu.His wife was Manorama.She was thedaughter of Meruparvatha.She had two daughters named Ganga and Parvathi.
One day all the Devathas came to Himavantha and requested him tosend Ganga along with them for their Karyasiddhi.Uma did ugrathapa. She married Shiva.Ganga became river of Devathas in Swarga.Shiva was involvedwith Parvathi in the act of procreation.Brahma and other Devathas requestd him not to consummate with Parvathi.Thejas already released by that time was borne by the earth.Devathas requested Agnidev to mingle Vayudevaand enter this Shivthejas.As a result this Thejas became awhite mountain.It became a saravanam.From here Kumaraswamy was born.He was fed milk by Kruthikas.So,he was named as Karthikeya.As Agnideva held Shivthejas, he was also called as ASgniputhra.
After this event Devathas prayed Shiva-Parvathi.But Parvathi was not pacified. She cursed all of them as they curtaled her effort to bear a child.They would not have children with their wives. She also cursed Earth that she would become wife to many and she would never be happy with her sons.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Braham dattas marriage

braham datta was living in kampilaya nagaram.He lived luxuriously.Kusanabha got his daughters married to Brahmadatta.Assoon as they got married they got back their original beauty.
kusanabhudu did not have son. So he wanted to perform Puthrakameshti yagam.Then kusudu appeared and told him that he would have a son named Gaadhi.because of gaadhi , Kusanabhudu would become famous.Gaadhi was my father.Viswamitra was born in Kusavamsa.So he got the name of Kousika.Hehad an elder sister.she was the wife of Ruchikudu.She was the mother of Sunassephudu.She was pious and very loyal to her she went to swarg with her body.She achieved what Thrisanku could not achieve by her sanctity and piousness.She became KOusiki river near Himalayas.Viswamitra wanted to be near his sister.So he made his abode there.To perform the yaga he came to this place.
then they walked andreache dthe banks of ganges.There they bathed and had their food.

yaga rakshana

For five days continuouslyRama and Lakshmana guarded the yaga.On the sixth day,Maricha and Subahu came.They rained blood.Then rama dealtMarichs chest with Manavastram.With its force,went over 100 yojanas and fell in the sea.As it could not kill Maricha, Rama used AAgneyastram on Subahu and killed him.
Next day morning Viswamitra told them that he would take them to king Janaka.THer they could see the Shiv dhanush.Noone could either lift it or use it.So they started and by sunset they reached the banks of Sona nadi.Then Rama wanted to know about that place and Viswamitra obliged.
Kusuduwas teh son of Brahma.He had four sons.they were Kusaambudu,Kusanabhudu,Adhurtharajasudu and Vasuvu.He told his sons to rule thekingdom.Four sons created four capitals and were ruling their zones.Kusambudu made KOusambi as his capital.Kusanabhudu-Mahodayamu,Adhurtharajasudu-Dharmaranyamu and Vasuvu made Girivrajamu as their capitals.
viswamitra ,Rama and Lakshamana were now in the kingdom of Vasuvu.It was placed in between five mountains.KUsanabha was Rajarshi.His wife was GHRutachi-an apsarasa.They had 100 daughters.They were all very beautiful.One day ,they were enjoying nature in the garden.VAyudeva saw them and wanted to marry them.They declined to obey him.because they respected their father and they abide by his wish as whom to marry.Vayudeva made them grotesque and ugly as they did not heed to his request.They went to thier father and explained as to what had happened. He praised their patience.
Thre was a rushi called Chuli.Somada . gandharva kanya was attending on him.Hewas pleased by her service and asked what her wish was.She wanted a son with the power of Brahmana.Chuli gave her Manasaputhra by name Brahmadatta.


ama saw an ashram there.He enquired Viswamitra  about it. Then  he started telling about it.Vishnu did thapa for many years in that place.This was the abode of Vishnu while in vamanavathara.The great sage Kashyapa attained thapassiddi in this place.So,this place was called as siddhashramam.During that time only, Bali chakravarthiwon over Devathas . He became the king of heaven ie swarg.Then he started one yaga.Then all the devathas along with agnidev came to Vishnu.They requested him tohelp themin regaining swarg from bali.At that time ,Kashyapa was doing thapa along with his wife.Then Vishnu enquired them what their wish was.Then Kashyapa told that Vishnu should be borne to them and become Indras brother . Heshould also help devathas in regainig swarg from Bali.Vishnu agreed.
Then Vishnu was born asVamana to adithi and Kashaypa.Then he went to Bali and asked him land of three feet.WITH two feet he covered allthe three lokas and for the third.he laid his foot on Bali s head andgave back swarg toDevendra.So, in this place Viswamitra was doing the yaga.Rama and Lakshmana had to guard the yaga fromdemons.Yaga had to be completed in six days.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Astra pradanam

viswamitra gave all the astra in his control next day morning to Rama.
They were as follows--dharma chakramu,Kalachakramu,Vishnu chakramu,Indrastramu,Vajrastarmu,Saiva sulamu,Brahmasiramu,Iheekamu,Brahmastramu,Modaki and sikahri-2gadas,Dharmapasamu,Kaalapasamu,Varunapasamu,Vaarunastramu,Sushkasani,AArdrasani,Pynaakaastramu,kkkk
astramu,vishnusakthi,Rudrasakthi and many other powerful weapons.
Rama learnt all the astras -how to use them and recall them with humility.

thataka samharam contd

thataka samharam  was done by Rama with bare hands.Actually Rama was not intersted to kill a woman. But Viswamitra explained that in view of the welfare of cows and brahamnas he had kill Tataka.In this context he told that earlier indra killed mandhara and Vishnu killed Sukras mother.InThe mean time, thataka rained stones on them and came ferociously. Rama cut her arms and lakshmana cut her nose and ears.and in the fight that ensued Rama killed Thataka.Indra and devathas over her demise. they pleaded with Viswamitra to transfer all the astras to Rama.Viswamitra gave all the astras to Rama. Rama learnt how to use them and how to recall them also.

thataka samharam

Rma,Lakshamna and Viswamitra went into the forest.Rama enquired him about that forest. viswamitra answered him.Once upon atime Indra killed Vruthasura.As aresult, he incurred BRahmahathya dosham.he became unclean and suffered from hunger.Indra got rid of his uncleanlilness here and became clean.As a result he made this place fertile .These Malada karusa desams were blessed with fertleness.Later an yakhshini  named Thataka was born here.She was born with the strength of thousand elephants.she was the of Sundudu.They had son named Marichudu.maricha was aRakshasa and he was harassing the people of thes countries.
Then rama asked that he knew hat Yakshinis were weak normally. how come this lady had strength of thousand elephants. then Viswamitra told him so.It was due to blessing.Ther was an yaksha named suketha.He did not have children. So he did thapa.Brahma was satisfied with his thapa  and blessed him with adaughter of this strength than ason.She was very beautiful.on one occassion ,SAge Agastya had to kill sundudu. Then Thataka and maricha went and looked at the sage angrily. sage sursed them to become rakshasas.fRom then onwards they became violent and destryed the country. So Rama had kill Thataka.

Viswamitras yagarakshana

While Dasaratha was discussing about his sons marriages with his ministers ,Viswamitra arrived.Dasaratha welcomed him wholeheartedly and with due respect.Then he said he would fulfil his wish. then Viswamitra asked him to send Rama along with him to assassinate Rakshasas while he did yaga.Dasaratha loved Rama very much. He was afraid to send him to the forest with Viswamitra. to him he was still a child.But he could not go back on his word. Vasishta also encouraged him that everything good will turn out  if he sent Rama along with viswamitra. So reluctanatly Dasaratha agreed. Lakshmana also expressed his wish to gowith Rama and it was agreed.So they left behind Viswamitra.he gave him all the powers. he told the mantras-bala and athibala- as a result of which they would feel neither hunger nor thirst.
Rama and Lakshmana saw Ganges river. there they saw anashram. Rama enquired about it and Viswamitra told him.It was the abode of sthanudu.It was also called Kamashramam.When Siva and Parvathi were here in the ashram.manamatha angerd Sva. At that time ,Manmatha had a body.siva opened his third eye and burnt hi into this place was also called as angadesam.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Viswamitras yagarakshana

While Dasaratha was discussing about his sons marriage,viswamitra arrived into his court.dasaratha invited him with respect. he enquired about his wellbeing and told that he would fulfill his wishes.Then Viswamithra asked him to send Rama along with him to protect yagna from rakshasas.Dasaratha was very fond of Rama and he did not want toleave him in the hands of Viswamitra.hepleaded for some other course but viswamitra did not hear of it. Dasaratha was afraid that viswamitra would curse hi if he did not accept his wishes.So he reluctantly agreed to his wishes.Vasishta also consoled him that every thing good will come out if he sent rama along with Viswamitra.
Lakshmana also accompanied Rama.Rama and Lakshmana went behind Viswamitra upto Sarayu river.Viswamitra gave all his powers to Rama.hetold them mantras-Bala and Athibala,as aresult of which they would feel neither hunger or thirst.Rama,Lakshmana and viswamitra saw Ganges river.There they saw an ashram and rama asked about it.Viswamitra told him about it.It was the abode of Sthanudu.It was called as Kamashramam.Once upon a time Manmatha had body.Once Siva and Parvathi were here in the ashram.then Manmatha made him angry.So. heopened his third eye and manmatha lost his body in the fire that ensued.Sothis place was also called as angadesam.

Viswamitra and Menaka

Viswamitra saw Menaka while she was doing Pushkara snanams in theerthas.He was attracted by her beauty and lived with her for ten years.Then he realised his folly and sent her away.Then he went northern side and did thapa there for many years.Then Brahma gave him the award ofMaharshi.Then Viswamitra did thapa standing on one leg and eating nothjin but air.I nsummer he did thapa amidst fire and in winter submersed in water.Then Indra sent Rambha to divert him.But he realised her bad intent  and cursed her to become a stone.So this proved that he did not conquer anger.So he went eastern side and did thapa.Then brahma awarded him with Brahmarshi.He wanted Vasishta to acknowledge his Brahmanathwa.And Vasishta obliged his wish.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

story of Sunassephudu

T .,
.hen Viswamithra lost all his powers in creating thrisanku swargam. so he wentnotrh and did thapa for many years.During that time ,King of Ayodhya,Ambarishaalso did yaga.Indra stole the yagna pasuvu.Instead of yagna pasuvu atleast narapasuvu should be used to end the yaga.Then Ambarisha went in search of narapasuvu.he saw Ruchika maharshi along withwife and sons near BHrugathunga mountains.When he told them of his requirement, father denied to give his eldest son and mother the youngest son. So middle son, Sunassephudu thought that his parents were willing to barter him and so went along with Ambarisha.Viswamitra was maternal uncle of Sunassephudu.So he told of his plight to him.Then Viswamitra advised him as what to do. So when the tied him to the pole, he sangsongs praising indra and Upendra. As aresult they wre pleasedAmbarishas yaga was successful.and Sunassephudu was also blessed with long life.
Again viswamitrA  did thapa for thousand years.Then Brahma made him rishi fram Rajarshi.

story of thrisanku

So Viswamitra went southwards with his wife and did thapa there.Brahma awarded him  with Rajarshi.Viswamitra was dissatisfied.THrisanku was king of Ikshwaku vamsa.Hedesired to go to heaven with his body.He requested Vasishta to do yaga to fulfil his desire.But vasishta declined  to do so.Then Thrisanku asked Vasishtas sons.They too refused. Then he said taht he would take some others help. for that they got angry and cursed him to become a chandala.So by morning he became dark, thick skinned,rough haired , with iron ornaments and torn dusty clothes chandala.He went to viswamitra and expressed his wish who obliged and did yaga . But no devatah came to recieve yagna phal.Then he sent Thrisanku to heaven with his body.Indra did not allow him as he was cursed by his guru, vasishta.He made him go back to earth head downwards.Then Viswamitra created Saptharhsi mandal in space and detained thrisanku there.He stays there like chandala  and head down wards facing the earth.Is it the heaven he sought?.One should be within ones limit in wishing any thing.


One day Dasaratha was discussing about his sons marriages with his ministers.Then Viswamitra came there.Viswamithra was Bramharshi.By birth he was aking.Brahmas son was Kususdu.he was a king.his son was Kusanabhudu.His son was Gadhi.Gadhis son was Viswamitra.In time he became a king.One day he came to Vasishta  ashram.Vasishta had akamadhenu,Sabala.It gave whatevr was asked by Vasishta.As per Vasishtas directions Sabala gave vIswamitra  and his army good food.Then Viswamitra thought that as he was the king he should possess Sabala.So hedemanded Vasishta to give him sabala.But Vasishta declined.Then Viswamithra dragged Sabala along with him.Then as per Vasishtas request it created massive army which smashed Viswamitras army and his sons except one.viswamithra was humiliated and hemade his son the king and he went to Himalayasto do thapa ie meditation for Parameswar.When Siva asked him what his wish was, he asked for astras  simply. He did not ask him to give power to defeat vasishta. he thout that if asked for weapons , with those he could easily defeat him.But he could defeat Vasishta because he had Bramhastram.