Wednesday, 30 December 2009


Afte succesful completion of aswamedhayaga,brain of the horse was cooked and dasaratha inhaled its smell.Then he donated his kingdom like this.Eastern part of thekingdom was given to Hotha,western part toAdhvaryuvu,southern part to Brahma and northen part to Udgatha.But these expressed their inability to rule the country. so inlieu of this they asked gold or its equal.Then Dasaratha asked Rushya srunga to perform Puthrakameshti yagam also.During that time,Brahma and other Devathas were concerned about atrocities of Ravana. they were searching ways to end him.Only a man can kill Ravana.So lord Vishnu agreed to divide himself into four parts and be borne to Dasaratha.At the end of the yagna , great person comes up and gives payasam to Dasaratha to be given to his wives.The king was very happy . he goes to his wives .He gave half of the payasam to Kousalya. Of the remaining half. he gave half to Sumithra. Half of the leftover was given to Kaikeyi and the ramaining portion again to Sumithra.The reason behind thistype of distribution was like this.Because Kousalya was the queen ,he gave half,Though he was fond of Kaikeyi, due to sumithras character,he gave more and only one eighth portion to kaikeyi.

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