Ramayana was written by Valmiki Maharshi.It is also called as Seetha charithra and also as Rvana vadha.The epic is full ofnava rasa.It tells us about dharma,artha kama and moksha.It is full of knowledge.
Birthof Rama
Valmiki was a sage.He was residing in a cottage in a forest doing Thapa.One day Devarshi Narada came to him.Then Valmiki asked him if there was any human being with all these qualities in this world.they were as follows-gunavanthud
u,veeryavanthudu,dhaemagnudukruthajnudu,sathayvan,dhrudavrathudu,suddha charith,hitha,vidvamsudu,samardhudu,priyadarshan,dhruthivan,who conquerd krodha,dyuthimanthudu,anasuyakudu,and when in anger even devathas would be afraid.
then Narada told him about SreeRama and his story. The next day Valmiki went to the river to bathe and saw a bowman kill the male krouncha bird while in mating. the female bird wascrying beside it. Then unexpectedly a poem comes from valmiki.
Then Brahma comes and tells Valmiki to write the story of Rama and goes away.
Ramayana is divided into six kandas. they are -Balakanda,Ayodhyakanda,Kishkindakanda,Sundarakandaand Yuddhakanda.
In Ramayana ,there are 500 sargas and 24000 slokas.
On the bank ofsarayu river,kosala coutry was there.its capital was ayodhya,It was very developed and beautiful country with all the modern facilities.King Dasaratha was ruling the country.Dasaratha hailed from ikshwaku vamsam.hewas also called as rajarshi.People were happy in his ruling.
he had three wives-kousalya,Sumithraand kaikeyi.He had eight ministers.They were Dhrushti,Jayanthudu,Arthasodhakudu,Vijayudu,Siddharthudu,Asokudu,Manthrapaludu and Sumantrudu.hehad vasishta AND vAMADEVA AS rAJ pUROHITHS.