Wednesday, 30 December 2009
vanara srushti
Brahma called all the Devathas and told them that they all had to go to bhuloka to assist rama in killing Ravana.For that they had to procreate sons in the form ohmonkeys.Already he had created Jambavantha.Asper his directions Devathas created as follows--Indra-Vali,Surya-Sugreeva,Brihaspathi-Gandhamadanudu,Viswakarma-Naludu,Agnidevudu-Neeludu,aswini devathalu-Maindadvividulu,Varunudu-Sushenudu,Parjanyudu-Sarabhudu and vayudevudu-Hanumanthudu.All these had teeth and nails as their weapons.They were all kamarupas ie. they have the capacity to change into any form.
Sri rama jananam
after one year Dasaratha had four sons . Rama was borne in chaitramasam-navami thidhi-Punarvasu nakshatram-suryudu,angarakudu,brihaspathi,Sukrudu,sani,Karkataka,Meena,thula were all in their top positions.and bruhaspathi was with chandra ,Rama was born to Kousalya.Bharatha was born to kaikeyi in Pushya nakshatra,Meena lagna.In afternoon,Asresha -Karkataka raasi Lakshmana and Shatrughna were born to Sumithra.Of all the four Dasaratha was fond of Rama.Rama and Lakshmana were one pair and Bharatha and Shatrughna were another.
Afte succesful completion of aswamedhayaga,brain of the horse was cooked and dasaratha inhaled its smell.Then he donated his kingdom like this.Eastern part of thekingdom was given to Hotha,western part toAdhvaryuvu,southern part to Brahma and northen part to Udgatha.But these expressed their inability to rule the country. so inlieu of this they asked gold or its equal.Then Dasaratha asked Rushya srunga to perform Puthrakameshti yagam also.During that time,Brahma and other Devathas were concerned about atrocities of Ravana. they were searching ways to end him.Only a man can kill Ravana.So lord Vishnu agreed to divide himself into four parts and be borne to Dasaratha.At the end of the yagna , great person comes up and gives payasam to Dasaratha to be given to his wives.The king was very happy . he goes to his wives .He gave half of the payasam to Kousalya. Of the remaining half. he gave half to Sumithra. Half of the leftover was given to Kaikeyi and the ramaining portion again to Sumithra.The reason behind thistype of distribution was like this.Because Kousalya was the queen ,he gave half,Though he was fond of Kaikeyi, due to sumithras character,he gave more and only one eighth portion to kaikeyi.
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
puthra kameshtiyagam
after the successful completion of yaga,brain of the horse was cooked and its smell was inhaled by Dasaratha.Then he donated his kingdom in this way.Eastern part of the kingdom was given to Hotha,western part to
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Everything was going wellexcept for reason that King did not have progeny to continue his vamsa.He consulted withSuyagnudu,Vamadevudu,Kashyapudu,Vasishtudu and others and decided to perform Ashwamwdhayagam.Every one was happy with the decision.Then his minister Sumanthrudu told him like this.In the past,Sanath kumara told told to sages like this.Kashyapa Maharshi had a son called Vibhandakudu.Vibhandakudu had a son called Rushya srungudu.During that btime, kingRomapada would be rulingAngadesam.Due to his wrong deeds ,country would be devastated by drought. To couter the bad deeds,the king gets her daughter married toRushyasrunga.Now that sage would guide dasaratha in performing ashwamwdhayaga.Hearing this,Dasaratha went to anga desam and brought Rushyasrunga and his wife Santha to Ayodhya.Under his able guidance,ashwamwdhayaga was performed for one year.Every one was invited cordially to attend the yaga.Oh the invitees, the important were kasiraju,Romapada,kesayaraju.Yagna was completed successfully.
Saturday, 26 December 2009
ramayana in simple words
Ramayana was written by Valmiki Maharshi.It is also called as Seetha charithra and also as Rvana vadha.The epic is full ofnava rasa.It tells us about dharma,artha kama and moksha.It is full of knowledge.
Birthof Rama
Valmiki was a sage.He was residing in a cottage in a forest doing Thapa.One day Devarshi Narada came to him.Then Valmiki asked him if there was any human being with all these qualities in this world.they were as follows-gunavanthud
u,veeryavanthudu,dhaemagnudukruthajnudu,sathayvan,dhrudavrathudu,suddha charith,hitha,vidvamsudu,samardhudu,priyadarshan,dhruthivan,who conquerd krodha,dyuthimanthudu,anasuyakudu,and when in anger even devathas would be afraid.
then Narada told him about SreeRama and his story. The next day Valmiki went to the river to bathe and saw a bowman kill the male krouncha bird while in mating. the female bird wascrying beside it. Then unexpectedly a poem comes from valmiki.
Then Brahma comes and tells Valmiki to write the story of Rama and goes away.
Ramayana is divided into six kandas. they are -Balakanda,Ayodhyakanda,Kishkindakanda,Sundarakandaand Yuddhakanda.
In Ramayana ,there are 500 sargas and 24000 slokas.
On the bank ofsarayu river,kosala coutry was there.its capital was ayodhya,It was very developed and beautiful country with all the modern facilities.King Dasaratha was ruling the country.Dasaratha hailed from ikshwaku vamsam.hewas also called as rajarshi.People were happy in his ruling.
he had three wives-kousalya,Sumithraand kaikeyi.He had eight ministers.They were Dhrushti,Jayanthudu,Arthasodhakudu,Vijayudu,Siddharthudu,Asokudu,Manthrapaludu and Sumantrudu.hehad vasishta AND vAMADEVA AS rAJ pUROHITHS.
ramayana in simple words
Ramayana was written by Valmiki Maharshi.It is also called as Seetha charithra
I am basically believer in god.I started reading bhagavath geetha from very early in my life.Whenever I feel depressed or unhappy i chant Sree rama with in my self.My father in law ,late Griddaluru Venkata ramanaiah Garu used to collect religious books and subscibe to religious journals like Saptagiri and others.So ,when ever I went to Tummala talupur,Podalakur mandal-Rapur taluq ,I had the oppurtunity to glance these books. Of late I started reading Ramayana written by Sri Mamidipudi Ramakrishnaiah Garu. Then I thought it would be useఫుల్ if I can tell ramayana in simple words.So may Lord SREE RAMA help me in succesfully completing this work.Ramayana is written by Valmiki Maharshi.
I am basically believer in god.I started reading bhagavath geetha from very early in my life.
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