Tuesday, 31 August 2010

turbulance of Dasaratha

Even Rama might be aware of this Rajya sulkam by Dasaratha.THere is no doubt about it because Rma only revealed this secret to Bharatha at a later date.Remembering this what if Rama denied to accept the throne?THenDasarathas wish would not be fulfilled.That was why Dasaratha was pleading with Rama once and again accept his wish.Rama accepted his wish. BecauseRama would not like to belittle his fathert before others.It was not in his nature.Because he was strong willed , he left it to fate to take its own course.
As marriage proposals take place between elders, even Kaikeyi might also be ignorant of this arrangement.Dasaratha was optimistic that as mANDHARA HAD JOINED Kaikeyi after her martriage she too would have been ignorant of this Rajya sulkam.
Dasaratha was crazy about Rama. So he was desperate to overlook his promise to Kaikeyi.But in this issue Fate has helped Dasaratha in not becoming asatyavan.
The reason for Dasaratha for going to Kaikeyi s abode was mainly to convince her in this major issue. He was confident that she liked and loved Rama very much.So even if Bharatha came and questioned him regarding this injustice he could easily say that as his mothe ralso did not have any objection , he proceded wihth the idea.
Overall Dasaratha was suffering from guilty conscience.He knew he was doing wrong.He was caught in web of immnse love towards Rama.He was ready to overlook his promise and godown as asatyavan in the panels of history.

Dasarathas dilema

Of the four sons Dasarathas love fo r Rama is very much.So he wanted to make him the king.He got acknowledge ment from the people.He did not invite JANAKA And Kekaya KINGS.If Kekaya king came and enquired about promise he made at the time of marriage, he can not answer. If Janaka comes and questions about his son in law was not made the king as he was the eldest he could not answer.So he abstained from inviting both of them.
He was afraid that Kekaya king might have told this secret to Bharatha.What if Bharatha creates trouble in this regard?So he felt it would be better if Rama was made king before his arrival.Then he can not do anything.
Vasishata was kings Raja purohith. So he would definitely be knowing about this Rajya sulkamu.If Dasaratha asked him to fix an auspicious date for the function, Vasishta might object and recall about his promise.He might request Dasaratha to wait till Bharatha came and then proceed. By that time it might be too late.So Dasaratha himself fixed the date. Once it is confirmed by the king Vasishta would not interfear.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

dASArathas turmoil

We observe Dasarathas tension in this episode. Why he was talking about BHaratha like that we do not understand.HE TOOK peoples consent toMake Rama the king. But he had not confided with Kekaya king and Janaka in this matter.He did not even consult his Brahimn Vasishta regarding the good date to perform the function. He himself had decided.He was very particular that teh function should be over before Bharatha returned from Kekaya.What if Bharatha came and attended the function? Why was he pleading with Rama to accept his request?Why as he telling that it sould happen before his mind changes?
THe reason behind all this was told by Rama himself to Bharatha when he had gone to CXhitrakuta mountains to bring Rama back.
The issue dates back to Kaikeyis marriage.DASARATHA WANTED TOmarry Kaikeyi.As he was already having two wivges, Kekaya king was not interested to give his daughter.Then Dasaratha told that he would make the son of Kaikeyi the future king of Ayodhya and then he married .

SRI Rama comes toDasaratha

Sumanthra brought Rama on a chariot.Dasaratha was seeing him from upstairs.SriRama was glowing like Gandharva.He was tall and was cute to look at.Even males are attracted by his beautiful stature.He attracts their site by physical features and heart by his character.He doe sgood to people and makes them happy.Dasaratha was not satisfied by looking at Rama even for long spells.He wanted to see him again and again.SUMANTHRA TOOK rAMA TO dASARATHA. Rama saluted his father.Dasaratha hugged him and made him sit by his side.Dasaratha told Rama that as he was his eldest wifes son and an efficient person he wanted to make him his successor.He wanted to do it on the Pushya nakshatra. the very next day.
Dasaratha was telling Rama to be more docile, control his senses and look after the people very well.Rmas friends told this news to Kousalya and she was very happy.Rma went to his abode. Dasaratha again directed Sumanthra to call Rama to his chamber.Rama came to his father. Dasaratha was talking to Rama thus.HEhad enjoyed his life to the fullest extent. now he was old. He wanted make him the king. But he was finding bad omens of late.He was getting bad dreams which imply kings death.human mind is not stable. So Rama should be mada the king the very next day. So he advised Rama and his wife to fast and lie piously that night.Bharatha was not in town. he did not want to wait for him. Bharatha was good but one could not evaluate ones line of thought.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Dasarathas wish to make Srirama a king

Dasaratha wanted to make Rama the king during his lifetime only.He calledhsi associates and friends to Ayodhya.He did not send for Kekaya king and Janaka.He addressed the invitees that he was becoming old and he wanted to make Rama the king with their consent.All of them agreed to his wish immediately.They agreed so fast thathe doubted if his rule had any faults. Then they praised Rama.Rama was ferocious. he wasthe best among Ikshwaku dynasty.He was kind to all.He treats the masses as his own.If any was in grief he would grieve along with them.If ANY ONE WAS CELEBRATING HE WOULD FEEL HAPPY LIKE A FATHER.\.He is always pleasant.If any one crosses him h e would enquire first.He never leaves righteous path.He has control over his senses.He knows how to rule.He is cvapable of ruling all the three lokas or worlds.So they want Rma to be made king soon.
Dasaratha directed his sages Vasishta and Vamadeva to look in topreparations.Every thing was completed.Then he directed his minister ,Sumathra to bring Rama.

Friday, 20 August 2010


Bharatha went to Kekayas capitalGirivrajam along with his brother Sathrughna.Rama and Lakshmana resided in Ayodhya.Dasaratha was blind in his love for Rama.It is not strange.Because Rama had good character,beautiful stature. It attracted everyoune.H ewas calm and composed.He was never harsh but was kind in his attitude with others.Even when otthers were harsh towards him, he never lost his temper.Before others started enquiring, he would enquire about their wellbeing.
Buddhimaan madhurabhashee
Poorvabhashee priyamvada
Our talk should be like that.However great we might be, if we enquire the person first who comes to us he would be happy.There is no harm done to us.The way Sun was shining by its rays ,Rama was shining by his good deeds.Observing Rama ,even Bhudevi wanted him to be her husband.

Monday, 16 August 2010

married life of Rama and Seetha

Newly wedded couples enjoyed thier lives for some seasons.Dasarathas sons were careful in attending to their duties.THey also attended to Dasaratha.They did not forget their duties and responsibilities in spite of leading their married lives with their life partners happily.After some time, Dasaratha called Bharatha and told him to accompany his maternal uncle to their city.Seetha and Rama concentratedon each otherand led ahappyfamily lifefor many seasons.There are three main reasons for Rama to like and love Seetha. They are like this. 1.She was selected by his father. 2.She has a good character.3.She was very beautiful.If Rma loved Seetha,Seethas love for him was twofold.Because they loved each other ,they could assess what was in others mind.Rama could understand thelove Seetha had for him.Similarly Seetha could feel Ramas love towards her.
Seetah devi is also called as Mythili and Janakathmaja.Since she was born in Mythila she had reasoning power.She was the daughter of Janaka Maharshi, so she is scholarly.So she could easily understand her husbands love towards her.
This is the end of Balakanda.

Parasuramas return to Mahendra mountains

Dasaratha was pleading with Parasurama that he no longer bred hatred towards kings. he was now afamous Brahmin.He threw away the weapons and arrows in the presence of Indra.He gave away Earth to Kashyapa and left for Mahendra Mountains.But Parasurama did not pay any heed to Dasarathas words.
Rama replied him that he had had praised Parasurama for his past deeds. Now he was belittling Rama.He would not entertain such talk.So Rama lifted the Vishnu bow and ste the arrow.THen he told Parasurama that since he was Brahmin ,he would not kill him.But as the arrow was very power ful it cant be taken back. it should be used on something.Hegave him choice as where to use it-whether on his path or on his fruits of thapa.
Then Parasurama realised his folly. he understood Ramas greatness.As he had to return to mountains. he asked Rama to strike at the worlds he created by his thapa but save his padagathi.He was not ashamed to be defeataed in Ramas hands.Sages and Devathas praisd Rama.Rama then gave that Vishnu dhanush to Varun.
THen Rama consoled Dasaratha and started for Ayodhya.Citizens were very happy.Kousalya,Sumithra and Kaikeyi welcomed his sons and theirwives.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Parasu ramudu

On their return, suddenly darkness came and everyone fainted except Dasaratha and his family and sages.Then appeared Parasurama.Vasishta and aother sages prayed him.Parasurama brought great bow along with him. I t was Vishnu Dhanush.He addressed Rama that he had heard about how Rama broke Shiva Dhanush.So now he demanded that Rama break up this Vishnu Dhanush also. Later they would fight duel.
Dasaratha was afraid that Rama might come to harm in that duel.SO he requested Viswamitra to gain control over his emotions.Parasurama was talking to Rama only. In the past there was fight between Vishnu and Shiva.Then Viswakarma made two special bows and gave them .Shivas bow stuck up and could not be used. So Shiva gave it toDevarathudu.THat bow was now broken by Rama.


After coming to throne,Janaka was living with his younger brither in Mithila.Then king Sudhanvundu of Saankasyapuram invaded Mithila for Shuva dhanush and also for Seetha in marriage.Janaka rejected his demand.In the war,Sudhanvudu was killed. Then Kusadhwajudu was made the king of Saankasyapuram.
Janaka agreed to give Seetha to Rama ,Urmila to Lakshmana, Mandavi to Bharatha and Sruthakeerthi to Satrughna.When they were giving Godaana , bHARATHAA S MATERNAL UNCLE CAME OVER THERE.His name is Yudhajitthu.W hile giving Seetha to Rama , Janaka tells her about Pathivratha traits indirectly.Marriage occured on Uttara phalguni star. All the four marriages were conducted with utmost satisfacion, pomp and enthusiasm.Next day Viswamitra blessed the couples and left for Himalayas. H ehad done his duty of uniting Rama and Seetha
Dasaratha started for Ayodhya along with hisfamily and friends.Janaka gave them many presents and gifts..

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Jankas vamsavruksha

Vasishat explains thatthese were very pure, from the beginning. THey are ferocious, straight forward,righteous and truthful.So,Jnaka can give his daughters to Rama and Lakshmana.THEN,Janaka said that hisancestry was also great.He reveals his lineage thus.
1--Nimi--Midhi(he built Mithila.he is first Janaka)--Udavasuvu--Nandi vardhanudu--Sukethudu--Devarathudu--Bruhadradhudu--Mahaveerudu--Sudhruthi--Dhrushtakethudu--Haryasvudu--Maruvu
2--Mruvu--Prithindhakudu--Keerthiradhudu--Devameedhudu--Vibudhudu--Mahidhrakudu--Maharomudu--Swarnaromudu--Hrasvaromudu--Janakudu and Kusadhwajudu
This was Janakas heritage.

Dasarathas journey to Mithila

Dasaratha went to Mithila along with his ministers, royal priests. THey took gold, diamonds and precious items along with them.Janaka welcomed them profuselyand told that he would conduct marriage according to sages directions.It was a joyous atmosphere.Everyone was happy.Yagna was completed succesfully.Janakas younger brother,Kusadhwajudu protected the yagna.He lived on teh banks of Ikshumathi, in town,Sankasya.Janaka sent his minister,Sudamanudu,to invite Dasaratha and his men.Asper Dasaraths request,Vasishta told thelineage of Ikshwaku VAmsam like this.
1--Brahma--Marichi--Kasyapudu--Suryudu--Manuvu--Ikshwaku(first king of Ayodhya)--Kukshi--Vikukshi--Banudu--Anavanyudu--Prudhuva--Trisankuvu--Dundumarudu(yuvanasvudu)--Mandhata--Susandhi--Dhruvasandhi(Prasenajithu)--Bharathud--Asithudu--Sagarudu--ASamanjudu--Amsumanthudu--Dilipudu
2--Dilipudu--Bhagirathudu--Kakuthsudu--Raghava--Pravruddhudu(Kalmasha padudu)--Sankhanudu--Sudarsanudu--Agnivarnudu--Seeghragudu--Maruvu--Prasusrukudu--Nahushudu--Yayaathi--Naabhagudu--Ajudu--Dasarathudu

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Shiva dhanush

After completion of yagna, Janaka came to vISWAMITRA And told him about the great bow.Emperor Nimis sixth son was Devarathudu.Shiva kept this bow and arrows with Devarathudu.During Dakshayagna, Shiva was angry and threatened Devathas that he would destroy them with this bow.They were afraid and pleaded with Shiva. he got pacified and gave the bow to his forefather ,Deva rathudu.
Janaka wanted to give Seetha to the most eligible person.So he stated that whoever lifted the bow and used it properly , he would be given his daughter in marriage.Kings who failed in this, waged a war against Janaka. Then Janaka did a thapa and Devatha s blessed him with cavalry. infantry etc to defeat his enemies.
JaNKA DIRECTE D HIS MEN TO bring the DHANUSH.Five thousand strong men brought it on a eight wheeled platform.Shrirama asked their permission to see it and then use it. AsHE LIFTED IT and tried touse it broke into pieces with a thunderous sound.Janaka told Viswamitra that he would like to give his daughter in marriage to Rama . HE would send his men to bring Dasaratha.But Rama said that without his fathers approval he would not marry Seetha.Dasaratha was happy to know about Ramas marriage and he disclosed the information toVasishta and Vamadeva.If all assent ,they would go to Mithila the next day.

Journey to Mithila

After leaving Gowthamas Ashram,Viswamitra took Rama and Lakshmana to a place where Janaka was doing Yagna.Janaka welcomed these along with his minister,Sathanandudu.He requested them to stay till the YAGNA WAS OVER. hE ENQUIRED ABOUT Rama and Lakshmana.Viswamitra told that they were Dasarathas sons. HE EXPLAINED him of recent happenings. He revealed their wish to see Shiva dhanush.Sathanada was the son Ahalya and Gowthama.He came to know that his parents were reunited and was happy. He praised Viswamitra and told Rama was very lucky because Viswamitra was protecting him.
Janaka was a yogi. H ewas not materialistic.Inthis context he was much above Dasaratha who was bilnd in love with Rama.Janaka was doing this Yagna for the marriage of his daughter Seetha.Seetha was found by Janaka when he was ploughing the land.He took her home and she grew up there.Seetha was ayonija.Janaka was unable to find suitable bridegroom for her.There was a great bow in his house which was given to him by Varuna.No one could lift it and use it.