From the churning of the sea,Ucchasravam,precious horse,Kousthubhamand Amrutham came.There was fierce war between suras and asuras for Amrutham.Many died.So,Vishnu in the form of Mohini got hold of Amrutham and started distributing it to Devathas only.They killed Asuras. Indra got the kingdom pof heaven along with Amrutham.
Dithi lpst all her sons.She was dejected.She went to hur husband and told him that his sons killed all her sons. She asked him to give one more son who had the capacity to kill Indra.She was ready to do Thapa to attain it.Kashyapa obliged her and touched her entire body. She had to be clean till she had the child and he would be borne to her after 1000 years.
Dithi went to Kusaplavana foretsand started Thapa.Indra came to help her.He arranged everything needed to do thapa ike Darbhalu,Samidhalu,Agni,fruits ,water etc.Whenever needed he did Gathra samvahanamand fan her for her relaxation.Like this somany years have passed.oNLY TEN YEARS WERE LEFT.Dithi was happy with Indras involvementin fulfilling her deeksha.So. she would not allow her son to defeat Indra but they should live amicablyand rule the entire world together.
One afternoon,she felt like sleeping.She slept in a wrong position as a result of which she lost her cleanliness.Observing this,Indra enterd her womb and cut her embryo into several pieces.Hearing childs crying, Dithi got up and realised what had happened.Indra asked for her forgiveness as the child was going to be his rival in future.
She was not angry with Indra because she could not maintain cleanliness.Indra cut thye child into seven parts . She asked him to cut each part into seven partsand made them SApthamarudganaswho rule the world.ONE Gana inBrahmaloka,on e inIndra loka,one in the sky and remaining four gaqnas in four directions should rule the entire world,.When the child was crying INdra said maruda ,maruda. So they would be called as Maruthamulu.
Viswamithra was telling Rma that thy were in the place where Dithi did her penance..THat Kusaplavanam was now called asVisalapuri.Ikshwaku kings sonVisaludu built the city.His generation.Sumathi was ruling the country for the present. THat night they would stay ther and next day they would leave forking Jnakas kingdom.Sumathi came to know of the arrival of Viswamitra and hence welcomed them.